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Criminal Defense

Understanding the Nature of Charges with the Help of a Criminal Lawyer

A criminal defense lawyer can help you understand: The nature of your charges; The potential defenses; what plea bargains might be offered if you are facing criminal prosecution; and what is expected after criminal conviction or trial. This article will focus on hiring a defense lawyer when you have been arrested for a crime. In some states, defense lawyers are required to have at least a bachelor’s degree in criminal law, in order to practice in this area of the law.

Criminal Defense Attorney


According to, the most common types of charges that a defense lawyer may have to deal with in criminal court proceedings include: assault, battery, burglary, driving under the influence, sex crimes, and drug possession. Each charge carries a specific set of circumstances that it is necessary for you to know as much as possible about. For example, in assault cases, the accused could face charges like aggravated assault, simple assault, and felony assault. All of these carry serious consequences, and any attorney would want to represent you to the fullest extent of the law.


At a minimum, any attorney you choose to work with should be able to explain the nature of criminal court proceedings. This means he or she should be able to tell you what laws are being used and how they relate to your case. It should also be easy for the attorney to show you how the law works so that he or she can best represent your case. The best defense lawyers will be able to help explain your rights, how the law applies to the situation you are in, and how to present your case. He or she should be able to take your case from start to finish and provide you with a legal system that you fully understand.


Your attorney should also have the knowledge and resources to guide you through the entire legal system. This includes understanding the criminal laws in your state and the specific process by which they apply, as well as what the courts expect from their attorneys. Most law firms have knowledgeable staff members that work with lawyers and law students to help you understand the legal system and its processes.


Hiring a good criminal defense lawyer means that he or she will be able to answer all of your questions, and can discuss your options with you before making a recommendation. Your attorney will know the strengths and weaknesses of each of your options and make sure that you make the best decision based on those facts. and not on your own emotions or feelings. He or she will also be familiar with local defense lawyer referral services, which can be invaluable in finding a competent defense lawyer in your area.

Hiring a criminal defense lawyer also means that you must hire one who has experience in dealing with cases like yours. That means he or she must be able to discuss his or her experience and credentials with you. Asking questions about his or her legal experiences is part of your initial consultation. And it is important to find out what type of experience he or she has working on cases like yours, what types of crimes he or she has worked on, and how many years in law enforcement he or she has. An experienced defense lawyer can help you make informed decisions about what kind of defense to pursue and the level of severity of your case.